KA2 VET- Soft Skills on the Green Labor Market
Start date 15-01-202
End date 14-01-2027
Project Reference: 2023-2-PL01-KA220-VET-000181224
Project card on Erasmus+ Result Portal
Spółdzielnia Socjalna Zielone Śląskie
Social HUB🇧🇬 Bulgaria
VsI Zmogiskuju istekliu stebesenos ir pletros biuras 🇱🇹 Lithuania
Youth for Equality 🇸🇰 Slovakia
The aim of the project is to adapt vocational education and training to the needs of the current labor market by implementing a comprehensive training program “Soft competences on the green labor market”. The project is aimed at young people aged 16 to 26, including students and graduates of vocational and vocational schools, as well as trainers and trainers specializing in soft skills. Our project is intended to train trainers in such a way that they can effectively transfer their knowledge and skills to students in this area. The rapidly changing labor market requires young people to be flexible and adaptable to trends, constantly improving their skills, especially soft skills. Soft skills are the most important professional competencies today. They are crucial to success on a career path at any level and in any profession. These are transdisciplinary skills, independent of a given professional profile. They are fundamentally responsible for professional success. Taking into account the changing labor market and the emergence of new professions, including green ones, it is crucial to support the educational offer through training to improve the competences of young employees.
The project intended to:
– realize workshops for trainers of soft skills,
– realize workshops improving soft competencies necessary on the green labor market for people aged 16- 26,
– create an innovative tool of education 4.0. based on interactive e-learning and a digital database of educational materials in the field of soft competencies on the green labor market,
– implement educational trips to partner countries,
– disseminate the project and its results.
Expected Results:
– improved soft skills in 600 people aged 16-26 entering the labor market,
– improved skills of 40 trainers conducting classes for people entering the labor market in methodology and work techniques,
– creation of education 4.0 tool,
– creation of a database of educational materials on soft skills in the green labor market (e-learning courses, textbook, scenarios, educational game, etc.).
– implementation of 960 h of workshops for young people.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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