Raising awareness of European rights for a progressive and transformative Europe- PROGRESS-EU
Project Number: 101091153
Project Period: Start: 01.01. 2023 End: | 31.12.2024
Programme/ Key Action/ Action Type: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) CERV-2022-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT
European Institute for Diplomacy and Policy (NL)
Comune di Russi (IT)
EducPro Portugal (PT)
Project Summary
PROGRESS_EU proposal aims to give focus to the debate for the future of Europe, where young people are the main actors of change. The following initiative aims to investigate the functioning of the European Union, through the promotion of rights and values with the objective that citizenship and youth as the main target group have all the necessary elements to be active agents in their respective societies. The project will be divided into 8 trasnational events (one for each project partner) and aims to involve directly more than 400 participants and indirectly more than 25.000 citizens. Each partner will work locally in their territory to create a working group of youth workers and young volunteers to compile summaries before each meeting and provide feedback and results after each event. In order to guarantee an adequate and efficient implementation of activities, different experts will be invited to support particular activities in each target territory, inviting also representatives of Universities and public authorities at local, regional and European level.
WP1: Event #1: "Kick-Off Meeting –Discovering Europe"
On 8-10 of March 2023, represenatives of the partners has particicpated first event of the project in Sofia, Bulgaria. The aim of the event was as follows:
- Understand project’s outcomes, work methodology and expected results.
- Reflect about the project needs: why youth is so important for civic participation.
- Better understanding about how Citizen participation in Europe works;
- Awareness about the new policies in Europe and how is undertaken in the different Member States.
On 14-16th of May, WP2 event as hosted by Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. The objectives of the event; Better Understand the Participation of Youth in Europe To learn from different tools where citizens can undertake a democratic life. To understand the main needs and concerns that have Young Europeans. To promote a wider perspective about all the opportunities that offers Europe for Youth.
Event Desciption Sheet is avaliable here.
WP3: Event #3: European Opportunities into new Facilities for Youth
- Obtain knowledge about different programmes and initiatives where youth and citizens can take part and participate.
- To better understand the functionality of Europe: their institutions, policies and system.
- To promote new non-learning methods where youngsters can learn about the European framework.
- To achieve confidence and sense of unity within European institutions and policies.
WP4- Policies and European Institutions functionality
The PROGRESS_EU WP4 event was held from November 29 to December 1 in El Puig, under the organization of ASEID and the Municipality of el Puig de Santa Maria with the aim of promoting the participation of young people and adolescents in the community, as well as fostering their knowledge about the European Union and its shared values.
To obtain knowledge about the functionality of policies besides European Institutions.
To gain awareness about the benefits that the European Commission provides to citizens
To promote a youth more committed and better informed about their rights and values.
To enhance the European sense of belonging between youth.
Event Desciption Sheet is avaliable: EDS Form- Spain.
WP5- ”New Ways to Euroscepticism”
The meeting “New Ways to Abord Euroscepticism”, organised by the Municipality of Russi, was held in Russi (Italy) from 28th February to 1st March 2024. The event focused on two main topics: a) what is the point of view of European citizens about European functionality? and b) how to tackle euroscepticism.
- To promote confidence and commitment within the European Framework.
- To tackle Euroscepticism besides an inclusive and participative way between youth and citizens.
- To advance for a democratic dialogue where participants can feel included and part of the process
- To expand the sense of community between partner organisations.
WP 6 ''Initiatives into Action: Youth LeaderShip''
The meeting “Initiatives into Action : Youth LeaderShip”, organised by the Stichting Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy Netherlands , was held in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) from 10th to 12th June 2024.Attendees were introduced to the topics of the day, focusing on youth involvement in European representation and discussions about the shift from Euroscepticism to Europeanism.
Key Outcomes:
- Youth Engagement: Participants acknowledged the need for stronger efforts in engaging youth in both local and European decision-making processes. The dialogue highlighted existing barriers but also provided examples of best practices.
- Tackling Euroscepticism in the Context of the European Elections: The debate emphasized the urgency of addressing Euroscepticism, particularly in light of the recent European elections.
- Protocol Development: The round table produced a framework for a protocol to promote European opportunities for youth, with ideas focusing on improved communication, mentorship, and access to resources.
- Practical Engagement: The upcycling workshop reinforced the connection between European values and sustainability, encouraging participants to think creatively about how to “upcycle” European structures to better serve future generations.
Event Description Sheet is avaliable here: WP6 – EDS – Rotterdam
WP 7 From Local to Global
The 7th event of the CERV project Progress EU – “From Local to Global” – took place on September 12th in Braga, Portugal, hosted by EducPro at the Braga Youth Center. The event opened with a welcome speech by the president of EducPro, setting the stage for a day of engaging discussions and activities.
A panel discussion followed, featuring representatives from FAJUB (Federação das Associações Juvenis de Braga) and ESN Minho (Erasmus Student Network). The discussion explored how local youth initiatives can contribute to and influence European-level actions, emphasising the importance of collaboration between local and EU communities.
Participants then joined a thought-provoking workshop titled “Me, My Country & EU”, encouraging them to reflect on their personal roles within both national and European contexts. This was followed by country presentations, which showcased how local activities can have a meaningful impact at the European level through inspiring examples of regional projects with broad influence.
The event attracted participants from partner countries, alongside guests from Ukraine and France, who were hosted at the Braga Youth Center. While they were not speakers, their presence added an international dimension to the event, highlighting a shared interest in the topic.
The day ended with a cultural activity called “From Braga to EU”, celebrating Braga’s cultural heritage and its connections to the wider European community, reinforcing the theme of local actions contributing to a global impact.
Event Description Form is avaliable here: WP 7 EDS Portugal
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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