

From 14.10.24 to 18.10.24 Social Hub hosted training for coaches within Ka2 Vet ”Soft Skills on the Green Labor Market” project no 2023-2-PL01-KA220-VET-000181224. The training took place in Sofia, Bulgaria and gathered 12 trainers from Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Lithuania. During the mobility in Sofia we focused on the following activities: -training on new skills and […]

We are glad to share with you the short summary of the meeting as a part of the “Soft Skills on the Green Labor Market” vet project that took place in Międzybrodzie Bialskie from 25.04.24 to 27.04.24 and was hosted by Spółdzielnia Socjalna Zielone Śląskie. Social Hub representatives together with project coordinator from Poland and […]

Learning, Teaching, Training Activity 25-29th of September, Thessaloniki, Greece During the program, the participants will visit the Greek Association for Down Syndrome and observe how people with Down syndrome effectively work and achieve their goal of being active in the job market. The young participants will complete a quality questionnaire on the mobility experience and […]

“Training guidelines for workshop facilitators on the Green Job Market – green competencies.” The impact of the activity on achieving project results: Conducting workshops for a selected group of young people will allow partners to test the prepared workshops. The evaluation of the workshops, followed by necessary adjustments, will directly contribute to achieving the project’s […]

WORK PACKAGE 3: EUROPEAN OPPORTUNITIES INTO NEW FACILITIES FOR YOUTH  Ercsi, Hungary  27-29th of September 2023 Objectives; Obtain knowledge about different programmes and initiatives where youth and citizens can take part and participate.  To better understand the functionality of Europe: their institutions, policies and system.  To promote new non-learning methods where youngsters can learn about the […]

Work Package 2: YOUTH ROLE AND STATUS IN EUROPE  14-16th June 2023  Novo Mesto, Slovenia Objectives; Better Understand the Participation of Youth in Europe To learn from different tools where citizens can undertake a democratic life.  To understand the main needs and concerns that have Young Europeans.  To promote a wider perspective about all the […]